Sunday, March 17, 2013

NEDA Year End Awards

Somewhat older news:
If you go to the FEI Awards for 2012, Die Oder Keine (Kina) and I won 4th place for Intermediare I.  What a good girl!  She is a horse that has taught me a huge amount, and I wish her new owner the same experience in Florida.

Discounted Lessons... Anyone?
Please check out this link to New England Dressage Association's Flextime program!  It is a way for Amateurs and Young riders to receive discounted lessons from top instructors in the region, with all proceeds going to the Region 8's Juniors and Young Riders Team.  I have donated some lessons as well as many top instructors in the country that just happen to reside in New England.  Take a look!

Show Season Approaches

I am looking forward to spring and the fact that my horse, who currently looks like a yeti, will shed out and have his tail washed soon...

In the mean time, here are the shows Cloverlea may be attending this year:
Centerline at HITS, May 18-19 (opening April 8)
Mystic Valley Hunt Club, June 7-9 (opening April 12)
Centerline HITS, June 15-16 (opening May 8)
Centerline at Westbrook, June 22-23 (opening May 13)
Centerline at Westbrook, July 27-28 (opening June 21)
Centerline at HITS, August 15-18 (opening July 24)
NEDA Fall, September 19-22 (opening July 29)
Mystic Valley Hunt Club, October 12-13 (opening September 7)

A lot of shows available, should be a great year to get the horses out.  See you there!